Thursday, December 27, 2007

Top Smirks of 2007

Bob Cesca always seems to be right on with his blog posts at Huffington Post. This latest one examines the top inappropriate smirks from President Bush during 2007.

The Most Inappropriate Bush War Smirk of 2007
Given 2008's inevitably ramped-up analysis of the Bush Legacy by the very serious traditional media, there's one aspect of the president which, staggeringly though not surprisingly, won't be covered. In fact, it's never been covered to my knowledge. The traditional media has never really challenged the president on his grotesquely inappropriate reactions to serious issues -- especially Iraq.

After nearly 7 years of this shit, one does have to wonder why the so-called Liberal Media has never taken Bush to task for his laughing and smirking when talking about things that horrify the rest of us.

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