Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Has it been that long?

I hadn't visited my little rant blog in a while, and realized that I never posted once during the previous election, to my surprise. I mean, I certainly was talking about the election, but it seems like I did it all on forums, like arguing with some of the regulars who reply to opinion pieces on The Clarion Ledger's website.

Oh well.

So, my mom kept her word, she didn't vote at all this past election. I have to just shake my head to that.

I didn't vote for Edwards in the primary, I voted for Obama. Edwards really fracked up big time on the personal front, so we're lucky he didn't make it. I think his affair takes some of the shine off his gracious bowing out to let the historic contest between Hillary and Obama take center stage. I'm sure the fear of that revelation had a lot to do with him quitting his campaign when he did. I still think he is essentially a good person who cares more about the less fortunate than most in his position. But his indiscretion does kind of make Monicagate look small-time.

Obama won. I wasn't surprised, but I still was nervous on election night. You just don't know about people. When they get in the booth and no one is looking, old prejudices can come back out. Obama was clearly the better candidate and his team was actually qualified for the job (the idea of Sarah Palin waiting in the wings behind the oldest sitting president in history, with health issues no less, should frighten any reasonable person).

If anything, I'm bothered that it was as close as it was. It should not have taken a Herculean effort on the part of Obama's campaign, especially with regards to fundraising, to win this past election. It just shouldn't. Not at this point in history with so many challenges on our plate. Not ever.

But, that's all old history now. All those awful "what ifs" that would come with a McCain/Palin victory fell and fluttered away like dead skin. We don't have to worry about that anymore. That is, until 2012. Really?

1 comment:

G-man said...

Well, well I have found the other side of the fence...lol...
Although I am only responding to this post, I have read several of the posts listed. The neat thing about a blog is that you can get away with phrases like "I bet", "I'm sure", or "I suppose".....not real substantive data to back those phrases, but it is an opinion blog....just sad when people take opinion blogs as somehow the truth or fact-based. Oh well that's "freedom of speech" right...oh unless you want to talk about something that is construed as religious hatred then the 1st amendment doesn't apply or simply ignored. But apparently this site is solely for the author to rant to himself since the comments are almost non-existent....wonder why...lol. I will check back in from time to time....if for nothing else a good laugh.