Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Dems Finally Showing Some Backbone

Today, the Senate Dems (and even a couple of Republicans) successfully blocked, for the time being, Sen. Ted Steven's shameful ploy to try to sneak Alaska National Wildlife Refuge drilling into a must-pass budget bill, with funding for everything from the military in Iraq, to Hurricane Katrina cleanup. Where were these people back 3 years ago, when they let George Bush have a 99-1 vote of support on attacking Iraq? We all knew it was the wrong vote then, but I guess they feared looking like they were on the wrong side of history, just in case Bush turned out to be right after all. I mean, yeah it looks silly now, we all knew he was full of shit then too, but at the time I guess, well.. I don't know. I'm just glad they're finally saying, "no more."

And poor Scott McClellan, he looks so stupid by pointing out that gas prices will rise again next year and everything. As if opening up ANWR is going to suddenly cause us to have 5 cent a gallon gasoline. It would be years before we would see any benefit, if at all, and by then gas will be $5 a gallon or more anyway. The better solution, and it's so obvious that you have to either be brain-dead-- or on the take-- to not see it, is to focus our resources and efforts into making more efficient fuel and vehicle technology, so that we don't even need 10 billion barrels of oil, or whatever the latest estimate, or should I say, "estimate" for ANWR is. As technologically strong as America is, we have the ability, and the obligation to do so. And the doomsayers keep saying we'll lose jobs, money, etc if we don't start drilling. What about the jobs and benefits that would come about as a result of the R&D of improving fuel efficiency right now? It just makes no sense-- no wait, it does make sense if you're some grouchy asshole of a senator, whose state stands to gain billions of dollars if the drilling ever does get passed.

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