Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Well those wacky Christians are at it again

What is it about Christians, or maybe it's just the Christian politicians and pundits and fundraisers, that they need some sort of boogeyman to organize and fund-raise around? Last year, it was gay marriage that the scumbag conservative politicians used to organize their base, earlier this year it was poor Terri Schiavo, now it appears we liberals are being Grinches and trying to steal "Christ" out of Christmas. This is news to me! I was not aware I was trying to do anything of the sort. But apparently Bill O'Reilly thinks we are, the creepy-looking John Gibson thinks we are, the incredibly annoyingly self-righteous organization AFA thinks we are, and who knows who else is jumping on this bandwagon.

Is this guy creepy or what?

Let me get this straight: Because someone might say Happy Holidays, or Season's Greetings- phrases I have been hearing all my life- then that person is trying to rip Jesus Christ right out of a good white Christian man's life! He might as well snatch off their WWJD bracelets and run while he's at it. (Do these morons even still buy those things?) And even worse than that, stores, STORES! are using Happy Holidays banners in their advertising, you know, cause of the multiple holidays that happen around this time every year, instead of draping big Oh Come, All Ye Faithful signs across the doors, or whatever it is these people want. Gag me, please. Funny how even their evangelical poster boy, George Dubya doesn't even try to force Jesus on everybody all the time. And stores, who have to make money after all, use the same messages to try to be inclusive to everyone. It's a shame that out of a nation of some what, 300 million? that some places will bend under the pressure of two Fox News assholes and a bonafide southern preacher man from Tupelo, Miss., who have to continuously come up with one boogeyman after another to make sure their ratings stay up there, or they meet their fundraising goals so they can keep their cadillacs a-rollin'.

Is it just me, but are Christians just some of the most outraged, hate-mongering people going? Do they even realize these supposedly decent Christian men work hard to keep them that way? Anybody got a good idea for the next WWJD bracelet, or Passion of the Christ movie, Bible Store, or just whatever the next great marketing thing to take advantage of these people? They're just so gullible, I want in on it too!

1 comment:

SouthernBelladonna said...

I like this one!