Monday, June 27, 2005

Karl Rove Scares Me

It's not that he can successfully, and easily I might add, manipulate a nation of self-righteous Christians into ignoring all the very valid reasons for voting against George Bush just because Bush takes a stand against gays. It's not that he practices the "Win at all costs" method of campaigning, so dangerous because you can never be sure what he will do to win and hold on to power once he has it. It's not that he had Bush run in 2000 as a great "Uniter", then in 2004 as a great "Divider" with great success. No, it's none of those things. It's because he doesn't look human. He reminds me of a bug in the Men In Black movies, hiding out on Earth in a human costume. He's bloated, his hair doesn't seem to fit, he's too shiny and greasy looking. Maybe after all those years of the Weekly World News printing phony pictures and stories of aliens meeting with and possibly controlling President Clinton, we finally have the real thing. I mean, it's no secret that the man known as Bush's Brain has full access and may even actually be the shadow president himself. It makes you wonder..

But just last week, the guy behind the most divisive American president in history, gave a speech that shows exactly where Bush gets it. Last Wednesday at a fund raiser, he said "Conservatives saw the savagery of 9/11 in the attacks and prepared for war; liberals saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding for our attackers." What a prick. Just like he thinks, and successfully demonstrated that he can at least make a good number believe it I might add, that conservatives have a monopoly on religion, he's now saying conservatives have a monopoly on national pride and support and motivation. As if NO Democrats supported going into Afghanistan and rooting out al Qaeda after 9/11. As if NO Liberals have since died in the mountains of Afghanistan, and later in the streets of Baghdad. ONLY conservatives support this country. Or that's the message he wanted to give, which is as divisive a line as ever. It's clear that Bush learns from the best. After 9/11 the country was more united than it's been since probably WWII, hell Bush wasn't any more liked by Liberals back in summer 2001 than he is now, but after 9/11 he had over 80% approval. So we did support him at one time. Even the world at large had great sympathy for the US, or at least acted like it.

But then something happened.

All that support, all that goodwill, was tossed aside in an unprecedented display of arrogance. Bush did a half-ass job in Afghanistan, which still to this day 4 years later isn't finished, then pulled most of the troops out to go after the prize that he really wanted, which was Iraq. He even had to lie up the reasons for doing it, because the truth simply wasn't enough. And anyone who disagreed with him, was a traitor. He wouldn't say those words of course, he let surrogates like Ann Coulter, Hannity, Limbaugh, and O'Reilly preach it to the masses, but his "you're either with us, or against us" was close enough. All that support, all that goodwill, tossed aside in an instant, so that contractors like Vice President Dick Cheney's Halliburton could earn billions by building up a country Bush was so eager to tear down. And when those of us said hey wait a minute, this isn't right, we were targeted, ridiculed and dismissed. Many of us even lost long time friends with whom we were suddenly no longer on speaking terms, simply because we didn't blindly follow what Bush was saying. Divisive. With us or against us. Used to great effect in 2002 midterms, and 2004 elections. Liberals were suddenly just as bad as the terrorists. All the dissent, traitorous. Disagree with the government wildly extending their power into your private lives? The so-called Patriot Act? If you didn't agree with the Patriot Act, that makes you what, treasonous? Ann Coulter wrote a book about that very thing. Saw it on the shelves at Wal Mart, where everybody could see it and equate Liberals, Democrats, Treason. This didn't come around by accident, it didn't evolve. It was part of a plan, and it's doubtful that Bush himself came up with it. He's too busy tuning that radio in his head that he thinks he hears god speaking through.

Divisive. Strategy. Rove.

For his comments last week, Rove wouldn't apologize, but it was said later by a spokesman that he really meant and Michael Moore. Yeah, that's why he said Liberals, all 50+ million of us who voted against his ass last election. Right.

1 comment:

dan said...

Hi Larry, yeah I was born and raised in the Mississippi Delta, went to a private school at Indianola Academy, went to Miss. State, moved off to Memphis, and came back after being robbed two different times. I now live back around the Starkville area, which is cool because fortunately there are a lot of people who think like me around here. My hope is we will eventually spread out and win some minds around the rest of the state.

Going back to Indianola for a moment, I went to the Academy there, which actually was a decent school back then (I have no idea how it's run now). My old high school principal there is now the headmaster here at Starkville Academy, so I had no reason to think that SA was any different than IA. Boy was I wrong! I put my first child in school there, and was mostly satisfied with kindergarden. Then, during his first grade, 9/11 happened, and it's like the school went nuts. Even before, I could see the ocassional sign of conservative god-worship, which you just have to accept here in the South, but after 9/11 they turned the school into a full-blown christian nut-job school. The textbooks, prayers, the whole nine yards. So 2nd grade, he went to the public schools instead. Contrary to what we were always told at the Academy about how low the standards at the public schools, we've found it to be the exact opposite. No liberal jive here, the public schools kick the Academy's ass.

Damn, I shoulda just made this a blog entry, I could really go on...