Wednesday, June 22, 2005

America's Worst, Err, First Choice For Diplomat

John Bolton, President Bush's cherry-picked representative of the US to the United Nations still has not been confirmed by the Senate, and doesn't look like he ever will. Senator Bill Frist, R-TN, even said there wasn't much point in continuing to ask for a vote anymore. Besides Democrats, even some Republicans have their doubts as to whether or not the loudmouthed, angry and arrogant man should represent us in delicate negotiations on the world political scene-- one where the United States' reputation is probably as low as it will ever be (unless of course, Bolton somehow does get nominated, in which case the floor's the limit.) The man who has a history of abusing subordinates, rampaging around the halls of Washington, and notoriously saying the UN wouldn't miss 10 stories if they were suddenly lopped off the top, would seem to be stalemated as he should be.

But fear not, happy conservative campers, because we have a holiday recess of Congress coming up in a couple of weeks. Bush is ignoring questions on if he will simply use a recess appointment to put "Mad Dog" Bolton in place anyway, bypassing Americans altogether. He's done it before, he will likely do it again. In Bush's world, where he claims God speaks to him and tells him what to do so he just does it, "we the people" simply don't matter. Unless you funnel enough money into his party, that is. Even though Bush "won" the last election by the slimmest of margins, and received the most "No" votes in history, he feels he has the god-given right to do whatever he pleases. Spendin' all that political capital he "earned". Usually, his Republican-controlled Congress simply rubber-stamps it, but in this current impasse, it seems like a few of them are having a bit of conscience. Bush will do what he wants, and leave the mess to Karl Rove to clean up and spin into something positive. How you can spin "shits on at least 50% of the citizens' wishes to favor his elite 1%" into something positive is beyond me, but Rove has done that a hundred times in the past 5 years, and will likely continue to earn his keep for the next three.

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