Friday, June 17, 2005

Actual Letter to The Clarion Ledger on 6/17/2005

Killen case nothing but a 'show trial'

Whatever happened to "innocent until proven guilty?"

The media's attempt to condemn Edgar Ray Killen before the trial should be no surprise, however.
Brother Killen was never proven to have belonged to any group. Not only did he not associate with any group, he never even knew who the civil rights workers were until he heard what happened to them.

The media ignore those facts. Not only is this show of a trial ridiculous, the federal government has violated his constitutional rights by trying him again. The government, as this case, has repeatedly got away with illegal reprosecution of old civil rights cases. No one yet has spoken up or tried to prevent these cases from being brought back up the last decade and a half.

It's also disgusting that Circuit Court Judge Marcus Gordon hasn't thrown out this case. Of course, as usual, the powers-that-be continue these show trials of old civil rights cases. It is also disgusting the judge continues the trial with Brother Killen being in poor health. If it was someone like the black militant Jackson Ward 3 Councilman Kenneth I. Stokes, the judge would have given him a TV and a couch to take home and delayed the trial til he died.

Also, remember that civil rights workers were communists. The Soviet Union was behind the civil rights movement. The liberal establishment, as usual, ignores these facts. The civil rights workers were sent to Neshoba for one reason, to stir up trouble and cause social chaos, which the whole Marxist-civil rights was set up to do.

Civil rights did not do anything but destroy everything.

If show trials like this continue, where does it stop?

God bless Brother Edgar Ray Killen.

Craig Haden

I don't know if they printed this moron's letter to show what a dope he is, or to counter the claims people make against the paper daily that it's biased towards liberals, or what. I like to think they did it to expose this guy for what he is.

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